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Mulund Institute
Avatar Adi Da Samraj

I was born so that I could be everyone’s Friend—by Showing them the Mystery, and Teaching them about the Mystery, and Helping them to remember and feel and breathe and love and Be the Mystery.
Avatar Adi Da Samraj
His Divine Presence Avatar Adi Da Samraj (1939-2008) devoted His entire lifetime to revealing and establishing a unique means for people to discover the ultimate nature of Reality Itself–which He describes to children and young people as "the Mystery", and also sometimes calls "Conscious Light". Avatar Adi Da communicated this Reality not just through words or philosophy, but by His direct Spiritual Blessing. Avatar Adi Da's transformative Spiritual Presence remains alive and active everywhere, even after His physical passing.
During His lifetime, Adi Da touched and transformed the lives of many thousands of people. In this context, He founded a new sacred tradition, purposed to realizing Conscious Light. This tradition, called the Reality-Way of Adidam, is available to all who respond most seriously to His Spiritual calling. Avatar Adi Da empowered unique sanctuaries of Spiritual Blessing and practice for this Reality-Way, including the Hermitage-Island of Adi Da Samrajashram.
Avatar Adi Da Samraj also established a new basis for human culture as a whole. In His books Not-Two Is Peace and Prior Unity, He communicates principles of cooperation, tolerance, and peace, for a world fractured by conflict and strife. Avatar Adi Da also created visual, literary, and performance art for more than forty years, to communicate Truth through artistic means.
Avatar Adi Da Samraj authored many books of Transcendental, Spiritual, philosophical, social, and practical Wisdom. This vast body of teachings clarifies every area of human life and provides a unique understanding of the human condition and the great process of spiritual growth and realization of Conscious Light.
Avatar Adi Da's life was a living demonstration of the Conscious Light that is Reality Itself, the Divine Mystery of all. His communications are profoundly relevant to people of all cultures, faiths, traditions–and ages! He has fully established a new blueprint for human growth and the spiritual transformation of all beings.
In His book for children, What, Where, When, How, Why, and Who To Remember To Be Happy, Avatar Adi Da writes:
I have Come from the Heart of every one.
I Am in (and in front of) the Heart of every one.
Because I Am the Real Heart Itself, I will always forever be remembering and feeling and breathing
and loving and Being the Mystery---for you.
To read more about Avatar Adi Da and His teaching, you can visit www.adidam.org