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To Support the Vision of

Mulund Institute

Teaching for Children

Avatar Adi Da's Message to Children


It is good to spend a lot of your time talking about the Mystery with

othersinstead of talking about unhappiness and things that happen

when you forget to love.


Avatar Adi Da Samraj

In addition to His extensive instruction for adults about a unique spiritual way of life, and for parents who want to raise their children in the best way possible, Avatar Adi Da has given spiritual guidance directly to children—instruction that is beautifully suited to their developmental capabilities.


Avatar Adi Da invites children to realize that:


Happiness is what you always already Are—before you do anything.


He goes on to explain to them:


A lot of grown-ups are in trouble because of thinking they are un-Happy and thinking that they need things to make them Happy. They have the "I-gotta-getties" and the "I-need-it-nowies." But these people are only thinking they are un-Happy. So, what you must do is realize that you are only thinking you are un-Happy. And instead of doing that, just remember that before you started thinking you were un-Happy, you are already Happy. Already!


And He calls children to:


Be happy now, anyway.


Which is another way of saying to them:


Be As you Are.

In His primary book for children, What, Where, When, How, Why, and Who To Remember To Be Happy, 

Avatar Adi Da elaborates just how children can “remember to be happy”.


First, Adi Da invites children to feel the Mystery in which we all appear:


Did you ever ask somebody where



this               or this                or this              came from,



   or how this                  or this                 or this               came to be?



Some say, "I don't know", and saying this makes them feel they are being very honest and truthful.

Others say something such as "God made it", or "It comes from God". And such people are also

being very honest and truthful when they say this.


How can they both be telling the truth? Well, because they are both telling you the same thing in

different ways. . . whether somebody says "I don't know how anything came to be" or "God made everything", they are simply pointing to the feeling of the Mystery—of how everything is, but nobody

knows what it really Is, or how it came to be.”


It is a Mystery. Doesn’t it make you feel good to feel It?



Avatar Adi Da goes on to carefully explain to children how they can practice feeling the happiness that is the Mystery. Below are excerpts of His guidance for children:


​First: Remember to feel the Mystery, and breathe it 


Avatar Adi Da tells children that the Mystery is “good feeling, full of light and happiness and love”, and He encourages them: “When you remember to feel the Mystery real strong, then you can also remember to breathe the Mystery . . . Breathe in all the happy feeling about the Mystery, and breathe out all the unhappy feelings you might be thinking about—like being afraid, or angry, or selfish, or mean, or just unhappy.”


Second: Remember and feel that you are more than what you look like


Avatar Adi Da sensitizes children to this by saying, “The part that is the way you look is only you while you are awake and alive. But the rest of you goes on while you sleep and dream—and, after the body dies (or goes to sleep for good), the rest of you goes on in the Mystery. . . The body part of you—the way you look when you are awake—is only part of the way you are."


Avatar Adi Da also gives children simple meditation exercises to help them “feel what you are that is more than what you look like. You are electrical, and you are light and sound—whatever all of that may be. If people don't forget to feel this, they stay happy, and not afraid to love or to die—and they go on and on.”


Third: Remember and feel that you are the Mystery!


You Are the Mystery! Yes! And you don't even know what you Are, either. Yes! There Is Only the Mystery! And you yourself—in your Real Heart, and up and down and in and out—Are the Mystery. It Is All One Feeling!


If you will remember every day to feel and breathe the Mystery, and if you will remember to feel that you are more than what you look like, and if you will remember to Be the Mystery Itself—then you will be happy every day.



Above all, Adi Da Samraj promises children that He is always already helping them 

to feel, breathe, and Be the Mystery:


Because I Am the Real Heart Itself, I will always forever be remembering and feeling and breathing and loving and Being the Mystery—for you.


Even all My friends can easily always forever remember and feel and breathe and love and Be the Mystery—if only they remember Me, and feel Me, and breathe Me, and love Me.




To see Avatar Adi Da's books for children click here

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Education & Resources on: 

Human Growth 
Spiritual Wisdom

for Young People
 Human Growth for Adults

Founded on the Teaching of

Adi Da Samraj

© 2025 The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam Pty Ltd, as trustee for The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam. All rights reserved.
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